Be Aware Of Social Media Use

When fighting for financial compensation following a Tennessee accident injury, you need to take every step you can to strengthen your claim. While accident victims are not always familiar with the intricacies of personal injury law, most have a good understanding of the role of offense and defense when it comes to sports. Similarly, the defense that is working to pay you less for your accident claim will do all they can to poke holes in your need for financial recovery, part of this could be investigating your social media use.
If you were injured in a TN accident and are an active user of social media, talk to a skilled Nashville personal injury lawyer about what you should be sharing on social media platforms and if it would be best if you were to pause your use until your claim is resolved.
Complaints, Photos, and Other Activities
When you complain about the details of an accident or share photos of yourself participating in activities that make it appear you are in full health, it can complicate your path to damage recovery. It is possible a post will be used against you by a person who is trying to push back on your need for monetary compensation.
Possible ways posts could be used:
- An image of you participating in a sport or actively dancing at a party could be pointed to as evidence your injury is not as bad as you are claiming.
- Past posts that involve physical complaints could be used in an attempt to prove the pain you are experiencing is connected to a harm sustained before the accident.
- Details of the accident you shared on social media may be different or contradict specifics in official reports, leading to confusion.
Many social media users are so comfortable on the platforms they forget that information shared is not private. There are ways for outside parties to obtain access, this is true of information that has recently been posted and data you deleted a while ago and have since deleted. When a case involves subpoenas it is possible for deleted texts, emails, and social media posts to be retrieved and scrutinized.
Connect with a Qualified Attorney
A skilled Nashville personal injury lawyer may review your case and inform you that staying off social media is advised. You may also want to let friends and family know your claim is not settled yet and you do not want to be tagged in their posts until the matter is resolved.
Do you have questions about how to share information about your accident while working toward a settlement? The qualified Nashville personal injury lawyers at Calhoun Law, PLC can share best practices with you and fight for a full and fair settlement package while you focus on your own physical recovery. Our attorneys have a wide range of personal injury claim and lawsuit experience, guidance is available whether the accident was minor or severe. Reach out today for a free and confidential consultation.