Car Insurance Coverage after Accident in Tennessee

There is a lot of information online that can be investigated and used to determine how good your case is if you have been in a serious car accident in Tennessee. The truth is that it’s all about insurance coverage.
To this day, it is not easy to find out limits of insurance coverage that the guilty driver has on their vehicle without first hiring an attorney and filing a claim. As ridiculous as it may seem, car accident attorneys in Tennessee often have to file a lawsuit just to find out what type of coverage the other driver has. Serious injuries require nothing less than a lawsuit, but this information is not readily available for car accident victims online or anywhere else.
How Your Car Insurance Works After an Accident
Understanding how your car insurance works after an accident will save you from legal problems, especially if the insurer does not want to pay you. Although a person never knows when they will have an accident, there are things you can do to prepare yourself in the event you are in an accident. Always carry your driver’s license with you when driving, as well as proof of your insurance. You should also have the name and phone number of your insurance agent in your phone.
You may be surprised to find out that your insurance may also provide coverage after a car accident even if you are not to blame. If you are involved in a serious car accident, motorist coverage with and without insufficient insurance could help you cover bills for lost wages and injuries. It is necessary for your own good to contact your insurance company as early as you can after any kind of car accident. Even if you are worried about your rates, or if you do not trust insurance companies, it is important that they find out what has happened.
In fact, you are likely to be required to do this under the agreement of your insurance policy. Getting the insurance coverage you need in order to pay your medical expenses, as well as car repair costs, will depend on you sharing this vital information with them.
Your Insurance Company May Not Always Have Your Back
Unfortunately, it is true that your insurance company, like most, may not always offer support after an accident. In fact, you may be denied the payment required to return to the condition in which you were before the accident. Insurance companies can use all kinds of excuses to avoid payment. For example, they may claim that the evidence in the photos you sent them does not prove that the damage was as serious as what you claim. In other words, the car accident was not severe enough for compensation.
The tactics used by insurance companies to deny claims are endless. They can claim that you have already received too many fines for speeding or that you have been involved in too many previous incidents. They can even claim that you failed to properly maintain the vehicle you drive.
Contact an Experienced Personal Injury Attorney Today
If you have suffered injuries in a car accident, especially one that you did not cause, you need to speak to an experienced attorney as quickly as possible. Do not speak to your insurance agent or the agent of the other driver and make a statement without contacting an attorney first. The Nashville personal injury attorneys at Calhoun Law PLC will ensure your rights are protected and get you the compensation that you are entitled to. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.