Six People Treated for Carbon Monoxide Poisoning While Staying in Nashville Hotel

Normal operations finally resumed at the Westin hotel after 14 people became sick from carbon monoxide exposure. An additional six people were treated at an area hospital. The elevated carbon monoxide levels occurred on the third floor, the same area where the pool and workout areas are located. The rest of the hotel’s occupants were not evacuated.
What is Carbon Monoxide?
Carbon monoxide is an odorless and tasteless gas that can be deadly if too much is inhaled, and is frequently called a silent killer. Carbon monoxide is so dangerous that it is responsible for over 400 deaths each year in the United States alone and another 50,000 are treated in emergency rooms for over exposure to the deadly gas. These deaths and illnesses are often associated with pipes that leak the gas into your home from furnaces and other faulty gas appliances. These incidents may also be the fault of a careless manager or property owner.
Signs and Symptoms of Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
Unfortunately, when carbon monoxide exposure first begins, the symptoms can be subtle and even mimic symptoms of other illnesses like the flu. That’s why if you feel like you may be suffering from carbon monoxide poisoning, you should seek medical treatment immediately. Symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning may include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Dull headache
- Weakness
- Nausea and/or vomiting
- Dizziness
- Confusion
- Shortness of breath
- Blurred vision
- Loss of consciousness
If you or your loved one is exhibiting symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning, you need to get into an area with fresh air and seek immediate emergency care.
Responsibilities of a Property Owner
Property owners and managers have a duty to ensure that their tenants and any guests of their tenants are safe and are not in danger of overexposure to carbon monoxide. Landlords must take the following precautions to protect those that are occupying their property:
- Monitor carbon monoxide levels inside the property.
- Perform regular maintenance on gas appliances to prevent leaks.
- Only use qualified professionals to maintain, repair, or replace appliances that use gas.
- Maintain records of repairs and inspections.
If a landlord or property owner fails to perform any of these responsibilities and you or your loved one becomes ill or dies from carbon monoxide poisoning, you are entitled to take legal action against the responsible party.
Seek Compensation for Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
Landlords, building owners and managers, and businesses all have a legal duty to protect you from carbon monoxide poisoning. Carbon monoxide poisoning is completely preventable if proper precautions are taken. If, however, these precautions are not taken, a person could be injured or even die from exposure to the poisonous gas. If this happens, the facility owner, landlord, manager, business, or even the manufacturer of a carbon monoxide detector could be held liable for the resulting illness or death.
If you or your loved one has gotten sick from carbon monoxide poisoning due to the negligence of another person, you may be entitled to receive compensation. Contact the office of Calhoun Law, PLC and let an experienced Nashville personal injury attorney ensure that your rights are protected.