Tag Archives: Nashville Medical Malpractice Lawyers

What Constitutes Medical Malpractice in Tennessee?
She prescribed handfuls of pills at a time; more than enough to even kill someone. The patient took 32 Methadone tablets taken eight at a time throughout the day. Then they took two Roxicodone pills four times each day. Four times a day, Soma was added to the cocktail, followed by Xanax in between…. Read More »
Tennessee Officials Name ‘Top Five’ Poisons in the State
According to the Tennessee Poison Center the number one cause of death in the state of Tennessee is not car crashes, gunshots, or drownings, but analgesic poisoning (ie. opioid pain relievers). In December, the agency came up with a list of the top five poisons that poison people in the state. The top five… Read More »
Tennessee Months Behind Investigating Reports Of Patient Abuse in Healthcare Facilities
It was reported that the state of Tennessee is months behind in investigating complaints of patient abuse in hospitals and nursing homes, taking up to 146 days to look into a matter. Under the current law, the Tennessee Board for Licensing Health Care Facilities (“the Board”) is responsible for the oversight of such abuse… Read More »