Traveling Too Fast for Road Conditions

An 18-year-old driver in Nashville was recently killed due to injuries sustained in a crash. Law enforcement’s investigation later revealed that the driver was traveling too fast for the road conditions when the driver lost control of the vehicle and collided with a mailbox. The driver’s passenger was transported to a nearby medical facility where the passenger died. There appear to be no indications that alcohol or drugs were involved in the accident. Law enforcement also later determined that neither of the men were wearing seatbelts.
The Danger of High Speed Motor Vehicle Crashes
When high speed collisions occur involving motor vehicles, the vehicle’s driver and passengers are subjected to force that a vehicle is unable to handle. In these types of accidents, even seat belts and air bags can do little good to help keep a driver and passengers safe from the resulting damage and injuries. While speeding can be particularly dangerous, there are some additional hazards that worsen the risk of accidents, including extreme weather conditions, night driving, driving while under the influence of alcohol or drugs, fatigue, or roads that are congested with a large amount of other motor vehicles.
Types of Accidents Caused by Speeding
There are several types of ways in which speeding can cause motor vehicle accidents. Some examples of the most common types of speeding accidents include the following:
- When the road is wet, drivers who are speeding often find their vehicle hydroplaning, which has the great potential to cause serious accidents.
- Inability to Make Safe Turns or Lane Changes. Difficulty reacting and maneuvering around obstacles on the road can be particularly difficult if a motor vehicle driver is speeding at an excessive rate.
- Inability to Stop. Motor vehicle drivers who cannot stop with a sufficient amount of room from other vehicles or hazards are at significant risk of being involved in an a serious motor vehicle accident.
- Loss of Control. Motor vehicle drivers can lose control which can very easily result in rollovers that often cause serious injuries and often even fatalities.
Consequences of a Speeding Ticket
Whether an individual is convicted of a speeding offense in Tennessee at trial or by admit guilt through paying a speeding ticket, there are several consequences to these charges in addition to simply paying a ticket. Many individuals also experience a sharp increase in insurance premiums. If a motor vehicle driver is convicted of a sufficient number of traffic violation, the driver might find that driving privileges are suspended or revoked.
Consult With An Experienced Accident Lawyer
If you experience any type of injury or property damage due to the negligence of another driver while your vehicle is broken down on a Tennessee road, you likely need the assistance of a strong and experienced lawyer like the legal counsel at Calhoun Law PLC to help create as strong a case as possible. Our legal team can help obtain compensation for disfigurement, future medical expenses, hospital expenses, lost earning capacity, lost wages, medical bills, property damage, rehabilitation costs, and emotional suffering. Do not hesitate to contact our firm today.